miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011


About Santiago...

Santiago de Chile is the economic and administrative capital of the country. With five million habitants (and counting), was founded in 1541. Situated at the foot of the Andes Mountains and an hour of the Pacific Ocean, is an ideal starting point for many activities. 

  • Founding: Santiago was founded oficially by Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Valdivia on February 12, 1541 with the name Santiago de Nueva Extremadura, as a homage to Saint James and Extremadura, Valdivia's birth place in Spain. The founding ceremony was held on Huelén Hill (later renamed Cerro Santa Lucía). 

Valdivia chose the location of Santiago because of its climate, abundant vegetation and the ease with which it could be defended. 
  • Geography: The city of Santiago is located mainly in a plain known as the "Santiago basin". This basin is part of the Intermediate Depression and is clearly delimited by the cord of Chacabuco to the north, the Andes Mountain Range to the east, the angostura Paine in the south and the Coast Mountain Range. Approximately, has a length of 80 km in the direction north-south and 35 km from east to west.
The city of Santiago is nestled in the river basin of the Rio Maipo, which covers an approximate area of 15,380 km². The main channel was born in the mountain range to the southeast of Santiago, in the foothills of the volcano's namesake and descends over the cordillera in the form of a canon known as the Cajón del Maipo.
In this area converge three important channels tributaries: the Rio Volcán that is born under the volcano San Jose and presents some hot springs like the "Baños Morales", the Río Yeso, that in their higher channel is located the dam El Yeso, wich is the main reservoir of potable water to the entire Metropolitan Region, and the Río Colorado. 
The climate of the city of Santiago corresponds to a warm, temperate climate with rains in winter and dry season prolongada, more known as continentalizado Mediterranean climate.
  • Division of the city:At present, the city of Santiago expands over thirty-six communes according to the National Institute of Statistics; twenty-six of these are completely urbanized and the remaining in a partial manner. Of the 36 communes, are the 32 that make up the province of Santiago, two in the province of Cordillera, one of the Maipo Valley and another of the Talagante.
Santiago is divided into 32 communes administered by their respective municipalities. The center of Santiago is where the main offices of banks, as well as government agencies. Commercial companies are moving toward the east of the town, a commune of Providencia, Vitacura and Las Condes. Most hotels, banking and entertainment areas are located in these communities. The industrial area of Santiago, is located in the north and norponiente of the city, in the communes of Quilicura, Huechuraba and Pudahuel. The areas south and west are primarily residential. 
Communes: Santiago, Macul, Lo Espejo, Independencia, Peñalolen, Estación Central, Conchalí, La Florida, Cerrillos, Huechuraba, San Joaquín, Maipú, Recoleta, La Granja, Quinta Normal, Providencia, La Pintana, Lo Prado, Vitacura, San Ramon, Pudahuel, Lo Barnechea, San Miguel, Cerro Navia, Las Condes, La Cisterna, Renca, Ñuñoa, El Bosque, Quilicura, La Reina, Pedro Aguirre Cerda and Puente Alto. 
  • Economy: The city of Santiago is the main pole of economic development in Chile and one of the most important in all Latin America. According to the Central Bank, the gross domestic product of the Metropolitan Region in 2005 was 24,461,582 million Chilean pesos (Approx. US$ 35,380 million) and that it was equivalent to 42.68 % of the total GDP national and a 46.98 % of the GDP regionalized production. This adjusted figure with the purchasing power parity increases to US$ 91,000 million, which ranks as the 53or city with more income in the orb and the fifth at the latin american level (after Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro).
  • Demography: In accordance with the data collected in the 2002 census conducted by the National Institute of Statistics, the population of the metropolitan area of Santiago reached 5,428,590 inhabitants, equivalent to 35.91 % of the national total and the 89.56 % of the total regional.
  • Cityzenship:The population of the metropolitan region is characterized by be a worker, as most people use large part of its day to develop its work.
We can add that has also become technological, because as they move toward electronic devices and discover new things, people want for them as they facilitate their daily lives.
Also, one can say that, in the face of adversity, the population is united and helpful (something that can be seen in the various disasters that has been in the country) and that, although they will continue to fashion look to other countries and they forget to certain traditions, they feel "Chilean's heart".
  • Heritages: Within the metropolitan area of Santiago there are 174 patrimonial sites in the custody of the National Monuments Council, among which are architectural monuments, historical, archaeological and even neighborhoods and typical areas. Of these, 93 are found within the commune of Santiago, considered the historical center of the city.
The varied architecture, contrasts between the classic and modern, and its cultural influences make it a cosmopolitan city of Santiago, where you can enjoy art activities, attractive shopping malls and a variety of international cuisine accompanied by the delicious wines. 

And this is Santiago...

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