jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


What about the fun?

Santiago is a city of many places of entertainment among those who are pubs, discotecas, amusement parks, cinemas, theatres, inter alia, of which you can enjoy and maximize to avoid the boredom at night and leisure and turn it into something unforgettable.

  • Fantasilandia: Fantasilandia today is the only Amusement Park of its kind in Latin America, has more than 30 attractions located in 8 hectares of the emblematic Parque Ohiggins and annually receives more than one million visits.
It is a place where the adrenaline peaks with the wealth of games to which you can access and which you can enjoy the times that you want.
Website:  http://www.fantasilandia.cl/ 

  • Hoyts Cinema: This place is ideal as a destination for an exit with friends to enjoy a movie and the company of them. With many years experience, this film has managed to maintain the quality of the service and attention to their customers, making it an ideal place to enjoy an evening with a film.

It has branches throughout Santiago, which makes it accessible to all people. 
Website: http://www.cinehoyts.cl/

  •  Huérfanos Cinema: This cinema has an old-fashioned style that transports you to the ancient times and gives the movie theaters a touch more cordial, making that much more enjoyable film. With a mini-museum in its interior, it makes you remember old programs and films, in addition to evoke your childhood. A cinema very recommendable and pleasant in stadia.

Website: http://cinehuerfanos.cl/

  •  Municipal Theater of Santiago: The Municipal Theater of Santiago is the main stage of Chile with opera, ballet and classical music. The architectural style of the Theater is neo-classical french. It has a capacity of 1,500 spectators in the main room and the 250 spectators in the courtroom Claudio Arrau and is located in an attractive sector in the center of the Chilean capital.

With its elegance and style, it makes you feel as if you're in Europe, enjoying the best works in italianor french theaters . Definitavemente a beautiful place where the culture becomes present with a live voice and permanent.
Website: http://www.municipal.cl/

  •  Papagayo's Club: It is a local with specialized teachers where they teach you how to dance salsa and where, after classes, you can stay to practice when the local is open to the public. Attends any type of person, from any age and gender, play music varied and is an appropriate local to go to dance the whole night. If dancing is your passion, do not hesitate to come here.

Website: http://www.papagayosclub.cl/

Here are some option... Now is your choice 

3 comentarios:

  1. hehehe fantasilandia is very cool *-*
    Paula Godoy 3°B

  2. This post is fantastic! I mean, it has places for every different kind of people or taste, so its great. I like that in your blog you show different options to everything.
    Tamara Reyes Pizarro 3°B
