jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


How I move around the city?

Now that we know places of all kinds to visit, purchase and enjoy, the most important thing is to know how to them we can go. With our public transport system you exam more with the city and you will learn how to how to use it. Also, if you prefer a greater comfort, taxis and collective will take you to your destination.

1.- Santiago Metro: 

The Metro is the metropolitan rail network which covers a large part of the city of Santiago de Chile, capital of the Republic of Chile. Currently, there are five lines, 108 stations and an extension of 103 km by which are transported around 2 300 000 passengers a day.

Symbol of the Santiago metro


Line 1: Is the line oldest of the Network and is the main axis of this, being the only one that runs through the city in east-west. The full path of the line, identified with the color red, it takes approximately 29.7 minutes.

Currently, the line has an extension of 20 km and 27 stations across the communes of Lo Prado, Estación Central, Santiago, Providencia and Las Condes. 
Line 1 is the line used by the natives, concentrating nearly 49% of the total travel along the network.

Estaciones de la Línea 1 del Metro de Santiago

Line 2: Travels around the city in a longitudinal direction from north to south, and crossing the communes of Recoleta, Santiago, San Miguel and La Cisterna. At present, comprises 22 stations along 20.6 
kilometers, at approximately 34.2 minutes. 
At present, comprises 22 stations along 20.6 kilometers, at approximately 34.2 minutes. Unlike the Line 1, Line 2 has a more residential, connecting neighborhoods housing of the north and center-south of the city with the center of this. Along this line are made 18% of the journeys made in the Santiago Metro. It is traditionally identified with the color yellow.

Estaciones de la Línea 2 del Metro de Santiago

Line 4: Was the fourth line opened in the network of the Santiago Metro. It was inaugurated on November 30 of 2005; however, the stretch between Greece and Vicente Valdés was only open the march 2, 2006. The line serves the communes of the east and southeast of the capital, when crossing the communes of Providencia, Las Condes, La Reina, Ñuñoa, Peñalolen, Macul, La Florida and Puente Alto.
This line, identified with the color blue, it comprises a total of 23 stations and 24.7 kilometers in length, which makes it the second longest of the network, being surpassed by line 5. The full path takes about 40 minutes.
Estaciones de la Línea 4 del Metro de Santiago

Line 4A: is a branch of Line 4 which was inaugurated on August 16, 2006. Crosses the communes of La Florida, La Granja, San Ramon and La Cisterna. With only six stations along part of Vespucio Sur hichway and an extension of 7.7 kilometers, is the shortest line on the network. 
The journey along the Line 4A, identified with the sky blue, takes less than 12 minutes.

Estaciones de la Línea 4A del Metro de Santiago

Historically, Line 5 is the third line opened, with its first stretch between stations Baquedano and Bellavista Florida opened the April 5, 1997. Since there have been opening more stations to reach as it is presently.
The line, identified with the green color, it has currently an extension of 30 kilometers and a total of 30 stations, being the largest of the network, between the communes of Maipú, Pudahuel, Lo Prado, Quinta Normal, Santiago, Providencia, Ñuñoa, Macul, San Joaquin and La Florida.

Estaciones de la Línea 5 del Metro de Santiago

Map of all the lines:

Website: http://www.metrosantiago.cl/ (here you can plan your trip)

2.- Transantiago:

An extensive network of avenues and streets extends throughout Santiago in order to give connectivity to the different communes in the metropolitan area. The main axis corresponds to that of the Avenida Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins (more commonly known as Alameda) that runs in sense southwest to northeast the capital, and that is also made up by the Avenida Los Pajaritos to the west and along the avenues Providence and Apoquindo to the east. The main avenue of the city is crossed by various centerlines (north to south) as the avenues General Velásquez, Norte Sur, Independencia , Gran Avenida, Recoleta, Santa Rosa, Vicuña Mackenna and Tobalaba. Next to the Alameda, other cross-cutting themes that make up the network are those of the avenidas San Pablo, Irarrazaval, Matta, Grecia and Departmental, among others.
In conclusion, the Avenida Americo Vespucio surrounds the domestic sector of the city by facilitating the connection of the various axs.

The great part of Santiago runs our transport system called Transantiago.

Transantiago is a urban public transport system that operates in the metropolitan area of the city.
For a complete change in the organization of the transport existing collective in the city, Transantiago started to operate in a first phase since October 22, 2005, being completed February 10, 2007, date on which the final transition to the new system, which has a deadline for the implementation of new buses, routes and infrastructure until the year 2011.
The main change established by Transantiago was a complete overhaul to the mesh of routes crossing the city of Santiago. Unlike the previous system, in which there were 279 normal routes and 23 former Metrobus that are circulating in the different streets of Santiago engaged in great trips, the new routes were differentiated in local and trunk, in order to optimize the travel.
The areas in which divides the city of Santiago are the following:

The main objective of the local routes is to serve as feeders to the trunked systems. The trunk routes correspond to the services that they perform long journeys over various areas of the city. Within the trunk services is Santiago's Metro and its five lines operational at present. The stem tours minibuses are identified by a three-digit code, of which the first allows you to identify the operator of this service. Buses, which are usually of greater capacity than the premises, are characterized by being painted white and a diagonal stripe central clear green color.
The value of the single fee would be $380, with the exception of an additional cost of $40 to use the Metro peak-time (7.00 to 9.00 a.m. and 18.00 to 20.00 , Monday to Friday). The student rate would remain at $130, while older adults would have the same collection but only in the Metro service outside the peak times.
In order to allow the system fare integration, design a method of payment through a smart card called bip! The bip! It was putting into operation by Metro in 2003.
Users of Transantiago must be validated each time that address any of the buses or access to the platforms of the Metro. To do this, each card must be zoomed to the validators located in the front door of the vehicle, in the turnstiles of underground or at the entry to the areas you pay located in the main transshipment stations. To make such action, the validator determines if the passenger can access the service. If you do, the validator generates a green light automatically discounting the balance the cost of the trip; otherwise, it will be issued a red light. At the same time, the validator sounds characteristic according to the result of the operation, where it comes from the name of the card.

Now, how i have to used this means of transportation? 

Transantiago has facilitated a map with all of their travels: 

You can find one with better resolution on page of transantiago mentioned at the end of the item

Firts of all, you should look the street of start, from where you going out, and see which is the microbus closest, ensuring you reach the nearest metro and to shorten the travel time. Go to the whereabouts and take the minibus. If this leaves it directly in the metro should expect and if not, you must stop and do transhipment, take a trunk that you leave it at the metro.
Once there, locate the nearest station to your destination and follow the Subway network to get there.

Here a website with an example:http://docs.latercera.cl/especiales/2007/transantiago/

Website of Transantiago: http://www.transportedesantiago.cl/  (here you can plan your trip)

3.- Other systems:

Other systems of local transport include the services of 25 thousand taxis and 11 thousand collective taxis, identified by cars in black and yellow roof. In the cycling, in recent years has tried to promote the use of bicycles with the construction of bikeways, but even its number is kept.

These are the transport of the city ... Now go where you want when you want!!

11 comentarios:

  1. I like the way you explain how to use every line of the subway, and that you also put an image in there, just to know them well.
    It's complicated to use the subway in Santiago if you don't know the city, but i think you did a really great job explaining it.

    Ninoska Herrera 3°A.

  2. I really like how you dedicated in explain all about travel around Santiago, because it's really difficult. Good job ! (:
    Claudia Maliqueo 3ºA

  3. wooooow this is great! You explain everything about moving in santiago, this information is perfect for someone who don't know anything about santiago
    Daniela Díaz, 3ero B

  4. The article is so complete. I like it! I thought that was impossible try to explain how travel by Santiago. Transantiago is awful D: The instruccions are very clear.
    Constanza Tobar Tapia, 3°A

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Great job! You took a lot of time to make this post with all the necessary information for people to understand perfectly well how transportation works in Santiago! Good job!

    Kelsey Calderon Lowe

  7. For a foreigner is remarkably well explained, with every possible detail and a great visual support. AWESOME GUIDE!

  8. Excellent! this is so cool, now every people could understand about our metro and transantiago, you explain everything with details and it's imposible to get lost! Great job girls c:
    Sofìa Lechuga 3ºB

  9. you explained our travel system so good, Congrats!

  10. great job, really complete information, and also really useful, nice!

    Darien Romero 3°B

  11. I think that wth this information I can go out wherever i want, is really good, congratulations!

    Valentina Moya , 3°A
